Thomas Ritschel, Dr.
Thomas Ritschel, Dr

Research foci
- Column experiments
- Interactions at mineral interfaces in soils
- Modelling of aggregation mechanisms
- Simulation of flow and transport in porous media
- Physikochemical Aspects of Transport (practical)
Biological Aspects of Transport (practical) - Hydrogeology I (practical)
- Hydrogeology II (practical)
- Simulation of Flow and Transport
- Hydrogeochemical Methods
Professional Experience
since 10/2011: Research Assistant at the Institute for Geosciences (FSU Jena)
- PhD, 2016: Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Closed-Flow Column Experiments - An Alternative Approach for the Investigation of Solute Transport at the Continuum Scale
- M.Sc. in Bio-Geosciences, 2011: Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Institute for Geosciences (Chair of Hydrogeology), Thesis: Parametrisierung der Sorption (Ausmaß, Typ, Geschwindigkeit) eines ausgewählten Modellsorbat-Sorbenten-Systems mittels Kreislauf-Durchbruch-Experimenten
- B.Sc. in Bio-Geosciences, 2009: Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Institute for Geosciences (Chair of Applied Geology ), Thesis: Sorption und Kopräzipitation von Seltenen Erden Elementen an Goethit und Ferrihydrit
- Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft (DBG)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Microaggregates: formation and turnover of the structural building blocks of soils (MADSoilExternal link)
- Monitoring Migration Pathways in the Subsurface Using Tailored Polymer Tracer Libraries (AquaDiva C05External link)
- Exploration of interface and pore-space properties on the continuum scale using closed-flow experiments
(SPP 1315 Biogeochemical Interface in soilExternal link)