Kai Uwe Totsche, Prof. Dr.
Kai Uwe Totsche, Prof. Dr

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*1965, married; two children
Scientific & Professional Career
- 1986-1992 Study of Geoecology, University of Bayreuth, Degree: Diplom
- 1992-1993 Gottfried-Daimler und Carl-Benz Scholar, Wageningen Agricultural University, NL
- 1993-1994 PhD-Study, Abteilung Bondephysik, Lehrstuhl für Bodenkunde, University of Bayreuth, Degree: Dr. rerum nat.
- 1995-1996 Postdoctoral fellow, BITÖK, Bayreuth
- 1996-1998 DFG Habilitation grant, University of Bayreuth, Habilitation and venia legendi in Soil Science
- 1999-1999 Research Scientist, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen & BITÖK, Bayreuth
- 2000-2005 DFG Heisenberg Scholar, LS für Bodenkunde, Technical University of München
- 2005- Full-Professor of Hydrogeology, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena
Coordinated Research Project/Awards/Membership
- 2000 Heisenberg Grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- 2007- Speaker DFG SPP 1315 Biogeochemical Interfaces in soil (www.spp1315.uni-jena.deExternal link)
- 2016- Member and deputy speaker Nationalpark Hainich Research Council
- 2009-2014 Co-Speaker BMBF Project INFLUINS (www.influins.uni-jena.deExternal link)
- 2013- Co-Speaker DFG CRC 1076 AquaDiva (www.aquadiva.uni-jena.de)
- 2015- Speaker DFG RU 2179 2179 MADSoil (www.madsoil.uni-jena.deExternal link)
- 2015- Member „Thuringian Energy Council”
- 2015- Speaker and member Thüringian Climate Council